Thursday, September 4, 2008

Funny Childhood Memories

Okay this is a test to family members to see how many are reading this blog and to test a memory that I have.

The other day my friend Jennifer started telling me a hilarious story about a friend who bought up having a pet monkey as a kid. I was laughing hysterically when all the sudden - out of no where I said - "we had a pet monkey growing up"?

I laugh just writing that! Who has a pet monkey!? Where does one get a pet monkey? As she was telling me this storey I had a memory of our dad some how bringing home a monkey (probably won it in a poker game) that was mean! Somehow I even believe that when the monkey died it was buried in baby clothes in our back yard.

Did I make this up or did we actually have a monkey? If we did have a monkey - I'd love to know more about how this at came about.

I know after reading - The Art of Racing in the Rain and Marley and Me, I had a flood of memories of the various dogs we had growing up. Lets see there was King (German Shepard) - Metchie (Poodle) - Bones (Irish Setter) - Bernard (Saint Bernard) - Fanny (Great Dane) - Chaunga (Chihuahua) -Sugar ( Cocker Spaniel) Mushkia (Siberian Husky) .

Did I miss any? And more importantly - did we have a pet monkey?

Later -



  1. Who was responsible for naming your pets?!? (Hi, Betty Lou!) Wow, that's a lot of childhood dogs to remember!

  2. Of course you had a pet Monkey! His name was Sam and mostly he belonged to Midge. He was mean and he bit. Once I let her take it to the playground and it bit another kid! Wonder we were not sued. Augie traded something from the station for it.Tires I think. He no sooner got it and it started doing embarassing things with its private areas and he made me take it home. It was in a cage. The first and last time I held it it bit the heck out of me. I dropped its leash and locked myself in the bathroom until it was caught. Midge loved it and even when it bit her she would just say Sam please don't bite me. When it died we did have a funeral and he was dressed in baby clothes. We also lined a wooden box and nailed a lid on it. Now if you want a real laugh Your mother performed mouth to mouth on it trying to bring it back be cause Midge was so grief stricken.
    Dogs perhaps you were to little to remember Beauty and Duchess our Dobermans. They were wonderful and very protective while still being gentle. Don't forget the cat Buttermilk and of course Roose. Then there was the cages of rats that vicki talked me into letting her have. Midge's pet goat Tammy. A few guiena pigs and hampsters, and a red headed pig.
    (HI jennifer)

  3. How could you forget Sugar the golden cocker spaniel! You alwys tied her ears in knots and shared your ice creme with her. Then there was Kitty Kitty, no one could forget her! She loved you first and best.

  4. Hey I still have a scar on my leg from the honry bastard(Sam not Augie). Remember he smoked too.
    Tammy was my favorite, I don't remember being upset about Sam, but Tammy yes, I think the funeral was made up, I don't remember it.
    And who names a cat kitty kitty Jim?

  5. Sam was buried on the east side of the drive way! The funeral was not made up!

  6. Who would have imagined a simple childhood memory would have brought so many posts! I think the funniest comment has to be "he smoked too"! I’ve got a lot of questions about that - LOL. So not only did we have a pet monkey -it was a smoking monkey! These replies will definitely result in another post about all the animals we had - who could forget Pete the steer and petunia the cow! Hilarious - imagine me milking a cow - unimaginable but true!


  7. This story just keeps getting better and better. I remember you telling me about the "pet cemetary" in the yard. I am beginning to understand! My goodness, you had a lot of pets. The post that begins with "Of course you had a pet Monkey..." literally brought me to hysterical laughter with tears. -Kim

  8. This story just keeps getting better and better. I remember you telling me about the "pet cemetary" in the yard. I am beginning to understand! My goodness, you had a lot of pets. The post that begins with "Of course you had a pet Monkey..." literally brought me to hysterical laughter with tears. -Kim

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Just saw my birthday greeting. Thank
    you! Very sweet. Memories of you visiting me in New York are among my most favorite too. My one and only visit to the Twin Towers. We did have fun even if I was a nun at the time. It is coming up on 30 years since I left the convent. I am very lucky to have such a talented and caring brother too. I really get how busy we all are and miss you lots too.
    I remember that damned monkey too and I hated the goat!

  11. I know this is an old post, but it's so damn funny I had to go back and read all of the comments! I think this is one of the "Best of Ground Cover!"
