Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Give it a Rest - In the Garden

As a Master Gardener people are always asking me garden questions. I wish I was better at just providing an answer that was fully informed off the top of my head. The truth is, to give good solid advice I always look up information and get back to people – unless the question is something like – "is a marigold an annual or a perennial"? That I can handle!

Please feel free to submit your gardening questions - I will do my best to answer your question and at the very least direct you to a good resource!

Today I was asked about how to get rid of Morning Glory or the common Hedge Bindweed, which is what we have in the northwest that is so invasive. I wish I had good news but like ivy, it can be difficult to eradicate. I found a great article from the Washington State University WHITMAN COUNTY EXTENSION that describes the plant and control methods. If what we commonly call Morning Glory is a problem in your yard check this out.

Now on to give it a rest….

I was reading Marty Wingate’s article about what to do in the yard at this time of the year and thought I would pass it on. Mostly because it full of great information and good news! The good news being that there is more not to do in the garden this time of year than there is to do! It’s a great time to sit back and enjoy the yard, eat from the garden (one of my favorite things to do) and begin planning for fall planting - fall bulbs will be in the market before you know it!

Here is a summary of Marty’s tips:

What not to do in the garden now.
Don't mulch – it’s to late for this time of year the ground is too dry – wait until fall after the rain has started to put down compost.

Don't plant – for the most part the soil is too dry. If you plant it will take extra attention which most of us lack to keep the plants alive – wait until fall, which is a great time to plant.

Don't water - or, at least, don't water much. Hand-water plants that need it, but most well established trees and shrubs that are planted in the right place won't need supplemental water.

Don't fertilize your lawn - it's time to give your lawn a break, along with your water bill. Wait until September to throw out some fertilizer; then you can let the rain water it in.What you can do now.

Cut off water sprouts - those gangly shoots that grow straight up off branches of trees including plums, hawthorns and apples.

Use a glob of fish fertilizer - watering pots of annuals with fish fertilizer will keep them going for a while.

Relax and enjoy your garden and begin planning for fall planting and next year!

I hope you enjoy the pictures in this post - other than the morning glory picture, these are all actual pictures taken tonight of what is blooming in my yard right now!

Later - Jim


  1. Now, this is the kind of gardening advice I like: Do nothing. Got it.

  2. Thanks for the comment on my blog. Looking over your blog, I thought it was worth directing people to, so have included it in a post.

    I also 'stole' the widget for the e-mail subscriptions. Great idea.

