Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Blasted Birthday Card

Everyone who knows me knows that I am terrible at sending birthday cards. It’s not that I don’t care or want to or even that I don’t get a reminder sent to me. A few years ago I made (and quickly broke) a New Years Resolution to send birthday cards to family and friends.

I refuse to send anniversary card to everyone – I reserve that for Kent (our 11th is quickly approaching) and my parents. Same with all the other holidays and events that roll around. But birthdays I really should help to celebrate, after all it’s the one day a year that is all about you! I discovered a web site – You enter in all the events that you want to be reminded of and depending on how you set it up 1-2 weeks before the event, you will receive an email reminder of the upcoming event! So for example just a weeks ago - I got a reminder that my friend James’s birthday was coming up. I thought - "I should send James a card – I’ve not talked to him in ages". Then I went on to the next thing and now his birthday has come and gone and I did not even so much as say Happy Birthday! Check out It’s a great way to stay on top of all your yearly obligations!

Happy Belated Birthday James!

It hit me a few days ago when I got another one of those pesky emails reminding me of an upcoming birthday. This time is was my sister Midge - her birthday is coming up next week. I’d found the solution! I’m going to call it a Blog-a-Birthday! Every time there is an event that I want to recognize - instead of sending cards – I’m going to - Blog-a-Birthday. I’m going to copyright it right now! – Blog-a-Birthday belongs to me - everyone is going to want in on this – I can tell its going to be huge!

Crap, story of my life, a day late and a dollar short – I just googled it and it’s been done – phrase been used – no more room for an original thought. Before the internet you could live with the illusion that you had a uniquely creative idea! So much for that!

This gets me to the real reason that I am going on and on about birthdays – It’s actually my first Blog-a-Birthday and it goes out to:

My friend Peggy! Happy Birthday Peggy, I’m looking forward to getting together!

For the rest of you – If you would like a Blog-a Birthday shout out and you don’t think I know your birthday let me know and I’d be happy to include you. Bill, Rose and Isaiah – relax, I’ve got you on my list already for next month!

Have a good one –



  1. Geez, how old is that picture of James? Next time consult with me and I'll be sure you have a photo from the current decade. Sorry, James.

  2. Okay, I have to ask what photo editing program you use, I love the pictures you post!
