Saturday, December 20, 2008

"There's one on every corner!"

I remember it like it was yesterday, the day my suspicion was confirmed - Santa Clause did not exist. It was all made up! To make matters worse - I knew instantly that the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy were made up as well. I guess that's why I remember it so well.

I did not get the luxury of finding out about Santa in a place where I could wonder about it or talk about it. I simply had to sit there, bite my lip and try not to cry because I was on the bus. Yes - I discovered there was no Santa Clause on the school bus!

Growing up, we went to a Catholic school - there was no bus service so to ride the bus home we had to walk to a nearby middle school and catch the bus. My older sister's were already on the bus since it started at the high school before heading to the middle school to pick up more students. So the bus was full of high school and middle school students and me - I think I was in 1st grade! You would think eventually I'd get comfortable with this - I never did. I hated riding that bus!

Everyday I dreaded getting on the bus and having to find a seat. No middle school or high school student wanted to have a 6 year old sit with them - including my sisters! I was sitting a few seats away from an "unnamed sister" - who I overheard say to the boy (I'm sure she had a crush on him) that she was sitting next to "he still be lives in Santa Clause (laughing), and he says - yes you guessed it - how could he believe in Santa Clause - "There's one on every corner!"

I have told this story many times over the year and laugh each time I tell the story. Do you remember when you found out?

Later -



  1. You never told me!! which of your bratty sisters did that to you? Or do I need to ask? There is a santa claus and he lives in our hearts. Since we all have hearts it only stands to reason there is one on every corner and even in that cold heart of a big sister trying to show off! Boy does that piss me off.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh, I don't know what's funnier - that story or your Mom's comment! LOL. I've heard your Santa story a few times, but it just gets funnier and funnier every time. Kinda like your jello story...LOL. Save that for another post! I don't know how old I was when I first really knew there was no actual Santa, but I do remember being absolutely certain I heard his footsteps downstairs as I tried to sleep. I crawled into bed with my big brother, because I was also a little creeped out by the fact that a stranger was in my house! He's 8 years older than I, so I'm sure he was not amused by his little sister waking him up at 4:00 a.m.! (BTW...I deleted my previous comment because I couldn't figure out how to edit it!)
