Saturday, December 20, 2008

Book Recomendation - The Flavor Bible

I am taking a break from reporting on the winter weather and throwing out a last minute gift idea. As for myself - I am all done shopping and yesterday, I actually finished wrapping all the gifts. For the rest of you........

It's not to late to add this to the Christmas shopping list for the foodie in your life! I heard the authors interviewed on NPR recently and added it to my list of things I wanted for my birthday. Kent picked me up a copy - I LOVE this book!

It’s no secret to most of you that I love to play around in the kitchen. If there’s one way I’m challenged, it’s probably knowing which flavors blend best with each other. That’s why I love - THE FLAVOR BIBLE.

THE FLAVOR BIBLE is a must-have in every creative cook's household. No, it's not a recipe book; it's a reference book that gives you lists of which foods harmonize well together. How does it work? You look up the ingredient that you want to use and then read down the list of foods that pair well with this ingredient. For example: Pineapple has many ingredients on the list such as bananas, brandy, avocado (surprising), black pepper and so many more. There is also a list of flavor affinities...pineapple + avocado + watercress, pineapple + coconut + honey + ginger and other combinations that just give you an oomph of motivation.

The possibilities are endless! I hope you enjoy this book as much as I do! If you just follow the suggested pairings you can easily create your own unique recipes! Invite me over to eat when you are done!

Later -


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