Next we have Zoe - the New Foundland. She's huge, reminds me of a small black bear. You can see how big she is compared to Toby.

My Mom has has Chinese Crested hairless dogs for years now. The picture below is Lucy her newest addition to the family.

Last dog is KJ (for Kent and Jim). Both dogs are rescue dogs from Washington.

Then there are the goats. I never knew how social goats are and how much personality they have.

This is the twins - Tipsy and Topsy.

Speckles - the newest addition.

And finally the leader of the pack - Jem. I hate to admit it but not only is one of dogs named after me Jem is also my namesake!
We were concerned that Toby would not get along with all the dogs but they have all gotten along well!

There are also a number of outdoor cats but I've yet to capture a picture. Life on the farm.
Later -
Wow, city dog Toby takes a trip to the farm! He looks very curious in these pictures! I'm jealous, though - I want a dog/goat/chicken names after me now! LOL!