5/15 - Update to 5/14 Post. Thanks for the overwhelming response to my request yesterday! I appreciate all the emails and those that connected and let me know that they had taken action! I had over 300 hits to the blog yesterday and several emails confirming that they had pledged to decline to sign and that the email that I sent out was forwarded. Thanks and have a great Friday and weekend!

California Proposition 8 passed by voters back in November is currently before the California State Supreme Court. The District of Columbia last week voted to recognize same-sex marriages from states that approve them (our Mormon members of congress oppose this of course), and right here in Washington Lawmakers took a huge step forward in protecting Washington families when they voted overwhelmingly to expand Washington's domestic partnership law and gave registered partners all of the same rights as married couples under State law.
This is not the first time I've written about the right to marry. Check out this earlier post (clink link to view) back in November. At that time only two states had laws granting gay marriage rights. We have made a lot of progress. Same-sex marriage has been legal in Massachusetts since November 18, 2003 (check out this link); in Connecticut since October 10, 2008; and in Iowa since April 27, 2009. It will become legal in Vermont starting September 1, 2009 and in Maine starting September 14, 2009. Gotta love the New England States - and way to go Iowa, who would have thought!
Currently, a coalition of "values voters" have filed Referendum 71, which will place SB 5688 before the voters in November. Simply by filing, the right has succeeded in delaying enactment of this expansion of domestic partnership rights to all areas of state law until at least July 26, the deadline for gathering enough signatures.
For those concerned with marriage equality, there is only one strategy: Decline to sign Referendum 71. Don't let the forces of hate and bigotry win another round. When the paid signature gatherer puts Referendum 71 before you, be polite, but firmly decline:
"No, I don't agree with your petition. All Americans deserve equal protection under the law".
Join me in opposing discrimination against same-sex partners.
Pledge to Decline to Sign Referendum 71 today. It's up to the rest of us to ensure opponents of Domestic Partnerships do not take Washington State two steps back on this critical civil rights issue.
As I've stated - Lawmakers took a huge step forward in protecting Washington families when they voted overwhelmingly to expand Washington's domestic partnership law and gave registered partners all of the same rights as married couples under State law. Referendum 71 was filed to repeal the Domestic Partnership Expansion Law of 2009. If referendum backers are able to collect 120,000 signatures needed to put the referendum on the ballot, registered domestic partners could lose 250 legal protections in the November election.
Ask your friends, family, and co-workers to take the pledge also, in order to keep Washington's Domestic Partnership Law.
Thank You!
Noted and done!
ReplyDeleteAmen to Jennifer's comment. I believe this can be sent world wide to encourage others to let the people they know in Washington. that NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE A STAND aganist bigotry, and demand equality for all our citizens.
I too decline to sign! Thank you for alerting us to this,
ReplyDeletePS Vicke and I saw Star Trek and agree on that too.