Friday, March 19, 2010

I Support Health Care Reform

We need Rep. Smith to support real health insurance reform!

As Congress finally prepares to vote on historic health insurance reform, the spotlight is on one of my Representatives, Adam Smith. He is one of the keys to whether reform passes or fails.

President Obama and leaders in Congress are working feverishly to pass a final health insurance bill this weekend.

Representative Smith voted against the original legislation and is a critical swing vote on the final bill.

Rep. Smith has deep ties to his home district and genuinely cares about the opinions of his constituents. However, national right-wing organizations have targeted him with millions of dollars in ads and lobbying. We can't let them decide the fate of reform.

As a potential key swing vote, we need Adam Smith to be overwhelmed with support for health insurance reform from his friends and neighbors in the 9th District. If like me you live in Washington's 9th Dist.please call and tell Rep. Smith to vote yes on health insurance reform to support his home district.

After nearly a year of deliberation, Congress is finally ready to vote on comprehensive health insurance reform. While the bill isn't perfect, it would significantly improve the current system by expanding coverage to 32 million Americans, curbing insurance companies' abuses, and cutting the deficit by $130 billion over ten years.

We are closer today than ever before to enacting comprehensive health insurance reform. Once this legislation has become law, we can continue to work with our allies in Congress to improve and strengthen the system.

If we cave to conservative pressure and let this opportunity slip by without enacting meaningful reform, another generation of Americans will have to endure medical bankruptcies, insurance companies' abuses, and the fear of choosing between food and medicine.

Call today - the phone lines are likey to be busy but keep trying! You can also send an email!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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